The Sims 4 Copperdale High School
My version of the Copperdale High School! It has tons of activities!
- Origin ID: simmarysims
- Lot Size: 64×64
- Lot Type: Generic
- Type: High School
- Value: 322.738
- Unfurnished Value: 114.820
- No CC is used
For more High School lots, visit The Sims 4 High School page.
Instructions To Build The Sims 4 High School
- Use cheat code before placing “bb.moveobjects”
- Choose the “Copperdale High School” from your library
- Click “place lot” and place the school on the plot.
Uses Items From These Packs
- High School Years
- City Living
- Get Together
- Get to Work
- Dine Out
- Movie Hangout Stuff