The Sims 4 Folder Overview

The Sims 4 Folder Overview

When adding special content to your The sims 4 game, or if you downloaded a sim or house someone created, or if you want to play someone else’s save file, you need to add the files to the appropriate folders here.

To feel comfortable organizing your The Sims 4 folder, you should understand what all these different files do and which ones are needed to successfully add content created by the community sims 4 community.

All your important files are located in The Sims 4 root folder. By default, the file location for both PC and Mac is:

Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4

the sims 4 folder

Now let’s see what the folders inside The Sims 4 Folder do.


You should put the Game Mods and Custom Content you downloaded into this file. For more detailed information on mods, see these articles:
The Sims 4 Mod 101 | How to Install Custom Content and Mods


Tray files are where information about your plots, houses, rooms and sims are stored. If you downloaded a house or sim file that someone created, you should put those files there. If the home or sim you downloaded uses Custom Content and you do not have this Custom Content installed, they will not be visible or may look different. Typically, creators report it with the Abbreviation “NOCC” to indicate that there is no Custom Content in the build or sim.
How to Install Downloaded House & Lots | How to Install Downloaded Sim


Your game save files are stored here. If you downloaded someone else’s save file, you should put those files here. or if you have switched to a new pc, transfer the files from your old pc to your new pc and continue playing where you left off. Some mods (Wonderful Whims, Basemental) may store some saved data to be generated by the mod here.

Recorded Videos

You can record a video by pressing the “V” key in the game. Your video is stored in this folder.


You can take a screenshot by pressing “C” in the game and that image is stored in this folder. Camera, phone etc. This includes all screenshots taken with

Custom Music

You can add your music in .mp3 file format into this folder. You can play these music from the stereo in the game.

Local Cache Files

Cache files are files that are kept for the game to launch faster. These files are created automatically as you play the game.
The cache files are:

1. The localthumbcache.package file

The localthumbcache is a package file in your /Sims 4 folder. They’re automatically created by the game if one isn’t present.

This file stores all your local game data, including information about your mods and cc. It is suggested that you delete this file when making major updates to your mods and cc folders – like a refresh.

2. Cache and Cachetr Folder

These come from viewing lots and households from the gallery. If you play with the Online Access Feature turned off, or play offline, you may not have anything in this folder.

3. onlinethumbnailcache Folder

The place where the image files of the posters that appear at the opening of the game are stored.


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